Mushroom frag??


Today I cut my mushroom in half with a razor blade. All this slime and white curlyque stuff came out. Is this normal, and do I need to continue to separate the 2 halves everyday or will they just grow into 2 mushrooms now? Thanks.


Active Member
The slime is very normal. If you could have gotten it off the rock it would have been better.. but they should grow still as two mushrooms and possibly move themselves away from each other for some room... or possibly overlap each other :)


do you just cut them straight down the middle?? I am new to this whole frag thing... but I have some mushrooms... I'm guessing this helps to promote more growth?


Active Member
Yeah you can cut them straight down the middle, then you can cut again going the other way so you have 4 pieces. As if you were cutting a pizza in exactly 4 even slices. Though some mushrooms you could almost put in a blender and each itty bitty piece would grow a new mushroom. I do not recommend this however... though I know someone that knows someone who claims to do this! :)


then i did it that way, i used the razor to push the foot apart a little, it had started to grow back. then i heput it in front of a power hed, and it moved on its own. good luck


Active Member
All this mushroom frag talk has me in the mood to wreck havoc on my mushrooms... I wish my gf didnt rob her camera away from me or I would try and take pics to walk you through it =c( its quite simple though and almost foolproof. =c)


yeah thanks guys...
I tried it.. so we'll see... it was hard to cut them tho.. I had to kinda hack at it a bit...
how long does it take to grow on another rock?? I have them rubberbanded.


Active Member
you can try to wrap the mushroom on the rock with bridal netting. very easy way to let the mushroom attach itself.