Mushroom hunters?


Active Member
those are some nice morals, we usly get some here but my horses have been pickin the tops off befor i can get to them


Active Member
whoooooooooa... u pick wild mushrooms?? talk about livin' on the edge! That is so cool - what's your favorite way to serve 'em up?


Oh I don't just pick them, like Chuck Norris I wait silently for them. When they pop up I roundhouse kick them into the mushroom bag!

I usually put them in milk, egg, and Andy's fish breading (white fish)
After that they go in the peanut oil filled fry daddy!


Active Member
Originally Posted by KOgle
Oh I don't just pick them, like Chuck Norris I wait silently for them. When they pop up I roundhouse kick them into the mushroom bag!

I usually put them in milk, egg, and Andy's fish breading (white fish)
After that they go in the peanut oil filled fry daddy!


Active Member
I like wild shrooms, but I dont know what to look for. There are several kinds you can eat, but I have no idea hao to tell them apart and I'm scared I'll kill myself pickin 'em. Can someone post some pics of the safe kind? Or point me somewhere I can get a good ID?


The first post shows some good ones. I'd google morel and see what you find. I ususally look around popular (sp), elm, and ash trees.
I found 37 last night. None of them were real big but they were all fresh...


Originally Posted by The J.O.P.
i picked shrooms once they grew on cow patties.
Do you like hallucinating?
...'Cause, generally, that's the best place to look.


We went morel hunting recently, and did ok -- but yours are definitely better looking. I think it got too hot and too dry over a few day period, and most of them shriveled up. We got some that were in a pretty mossy, damp area. But otherwise, it was a lot of traipsing through the tick-infested forest for not much reward.


Active Member
Originally Posted by katiev
But otherwise, it was a lot of traipsing through the tick-infested forest for not much reward.

sounds fun, :thinking: , huh maybe not....nevermind.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
I like wild shrooms, but I dont know what to look for. There are several kinds you can eat, but I have no idea hao to tell them apart and I'm scared I'll kill myself pickin 'em. Can someone post some pics of the safe kind? Or point me somewhere I can get a good ID?
The best place i've seen to get the grocery store. man sometimes you can find some good looking ones too.

sorry, no offence....i couldn't help myself.


L&D you guys have the money to but those things in the store keeping a saltwater tank? I think it's time for a bigger tank then... :cheer:


Active Member
Originally Posted by KOgle
L&D you guys have the money to but those things in the store keeping a saltwater tank? I think it's time for a bigger tank then... :cheer:
lol, i don't follow. lol, but it is late....oh well.


L&D Morels are expensive to buy in the store. About $25 to $30 per pound...
I found 375 Saturday and Sunday. That puts me up to 472 for the year! :cheer:


Active Member
Originally Posted by KOgle
L&D Morels are expensive to buy in the store. About $25 to $30 per pound...
I found 375 Saturday and Sunday. That puts me up to 472 for the year! :cheer:

then you should sell them. :happyfish