Mushroom Lighting


Is it best to keep mushrooms in shady areas? Everytime I move a rock into an area with more light they shrivel up.
I don't have alot of lighting. 440 watt VHO on an 85 gallon. 2 10K to super actnic.
If you have great shrooms what's the secret.
My water quality has been consistently good.
Ammonia 0, Trites 0, Trates 0, pH 8.3, Calcium 450-470, kH 10.2
Any input would be appreciated.


I'm more worried about it being to much. The mushrooms in the shade look great. Those in the full light look terrible.


They could need to adjust to the brighter lighting. Mine absolutely thrived in direct lighting under 196W of PC lighting on a 30gal L.


Active Member
Give them plenty of time and they will adjust. Mushrooms are often impossible to kill, but sometimes it can be difficult to have them thrive. All of the tanks that I have seen where they look great have low light and are unskimmed, but I am sure you can probably still have great shrooms with a lot of light and a "clean water" tank.
Another thing I have noticed is when they are thriving in one tank and placed in a different one, it can take months for them to adjust and really color up under the new lighting they are in.
They're just contemptible.


Most mushrooms, with the exception of some richordia's, need low lighting to do their best.
also, they need little water movement. Too much current will make them shrivel also.
