mushroom movers


New Member
is their any beneficial or safe way to
entice mushrooms to move onto other rocks ?
i have heard that they will do it on their
own if a particular piece of rock is crowded,
but can you sort of pry them off or is it
just best to let them move on their own ?

fish head

I place another rock right beside the mushroom, higher up. They will move. If they are overcrowding a rock, I pick up the rock and some might bee loose and fall off.


I just make sure that their rock is tight between other rocks, and if they want o move they will.
Ive tried prying them off, I have one that wants to move, but cant reach. He must be going nuts because he hits it with his head, but cant reach it with his foot! I couldnt safely remove him from the rock he was on, even though more than half his foot was allready up. Maybe the trick is if they hit their head occasionally, they will try and find it with their foot.