Mushroom Question


I have a small mushroom, and today I noticed lots ove "moving" flat brown dots on it!!! They reminded me of little leeches.
What the heck are they? I assumed they were bad, and scraped them off lightly and smashed them. They tried to "get away" and went to the underside of the shroom, so very wierd!!
Anyone help me here????



Active Member
Do a search of flat worms. They can smother corals. I would take it out and swish it around in some ro water to get them off. They may have already spread into your tank, so watch for them. They can be toxic if a lot die all at once. if you see them, try to siphon them out with a piece of air tubing.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Do a search of flat worms. They can smother corals. I would take it out and swish it around in some ro water to get them off. They may have already spread into your tank, so watch for them. They can be toxic if a lot die all at once. if you see them, try to siphon them out with a piece of air tubing.

Thanks.....I will try to get the rest off. I saw a couple more that I missed, so I need to get them gone.
What do I do if they populate in the tank???????? Will anything eat them??


Originally Posted by KelliG
Thanks.....I will try to get the rest off. I saw a couple more that I missed, so I need to get them gone.
What do I do if they populate in the tank???????? Will anything eat them??
6 line wrasses have been known to eat flat worms.


Active Member
Pseudocheilinus evanidus,striated wrasse or Pseudocheilinus hexataenia, sixline wrasse are natural predators of these types of flatworm. However as said a diligent removal program when you see them may take care of the problem without the need to add the predators.
There are also chemical remedies, but these in themselves are IMO more of a last resort as they entail a very precise plan to use.