Mushroom Question


I recently went from a FWOL to a reef. I purchased my first two corals: button polyps and a Single green Mushroom. Everything seems to be going good. polyps are all open and look great. The mushroom opens, but sometime it is very big and the other times it is just regular. the LFS that i purchsed them from said that i might have the mushroom in too much current. does current play a factor for shrooms?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by volitan1
I recently went from a FWOL to a reef. I purchased my first two corals: button polyps and a Single green Mushroom. Everything seems to be going good. polyps are all open and look great. The mushroom opens, but sometime it is very big and the other times it is just regular. the LFS that i purchsed them from said that i might have the mushroom in too much current. does current play a factor for shrooms?
When a coral feeds it seems to shrink. Sounds like your mushrooms are doing just fine. The color is more of a test for health problems. If they are good and bright your fine. You will know if it is too much current, they will be beat to death hanging on for dear life, then let go and find a quieter place to grow.
Happy Reefing


Thanks for he quick response. HOw about lighting. DO mushrooms like a lot of light or a little. I cant seem to find the answer.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by volitan1
Thanks for he quick response. HOw about lighting. DO mushrooms like a lot of light or a little. I cant seem to find the answer.
Quick responses come depending on who is on line. It is such a nice day to be on a computer LOL Shame on
Mushrooms are middle of the line on lights, they like light, but MH can burn if they aren't used to them. They are a real hardy coral to keep and a great beginner coral.


HI Flower what about button Polyps. I have them at the top of tank, and ther is medium flow. Is this ok. I have power compacts as lights


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by volitan1
HI Flower what about button Polyps. I have them at the top of tank, and ther is medium flow. Is this ok. I have power compacts as lights
What kind of button polyps?