

i have 1 mushroom ,after a water change alittle bit ago , i noticed it was a little wrinkly looking and like where its mouth is a long white thin looking thing is something wrong with it ? i hope its ok! thnks for any thoughts!


probably a reaction to the water change. A slight variation in any perameters will make them react. As long as nothing major has change it should be fine.


Active Member
Mushrooms change there appearance by looking like they are melting or spewing white goo from there mouth, if the lighting or water peramiters drasticly change, however they are problably the hardiest of spiecies in the hobby and are pretty hard to kill.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt.mama
i have 1 mushroom ,after a water change alittle bit ago , i noticed it was a little wrinkly looking and like where its mouth is a long white thin looking thing is something wrong with it ? i hope its ok! thnks for any thoughts!
Can you post a pic? I just want to see your shroom.
I love shrooms.