Mushrooms Dying HELP please!!!


7 month reef, 40 gal, water parameters spot on.
rhodactis mushroom (that I can tell) is dying and/or hurt badly.
Bought the shroom from a LFS and there were three, small one wasnt doing so good (droopy).
That one dissappeared, others where doing ok (1 month).
Then the others started getting holes and/or sides chewed.
I found a worm that looks like a spagetti worm tentacles on the head, rest of the worm kinda looks like a brisle worm with no hairs, bought 3-4" long. Took that sucker out with dipping the bottom of the rock in FW without touching the mushshrooms hen ripping him out with tweezers. Now it looks like nothing is eating them but they are still slowly dying off. There is no slime or not very much that is coming off of them. CANNOT find any info on this at all. pieces are falling off but nothing is eating or moving them (little ribbons).
The other mush is now split into two slowley falling apart.
I decided tonight that I am gonna run a little Cabon in the sump to pull any toxins that maybe floating around in the tank, but I do, do weekly water changes (bought 5 gal). so I dont know can anyone help me please.


didnt look better just stopped being ate (dissapeering)!!!!!! been about a week. I didnt get a shot of the worm but look up spagetti worm and thats pretty much what it looked like. I seem the same worm in the ID thread here but no one responded!


Active Member
Are there any other soft corals in the tank and if so how are they doing?
FME certain tanks, even those set up and maintained in nearly identical fashion can still not be to the likeing of a particular coral species. Kind of like Xenia's that become nuisance growth items in a certain tank and wont live for a week in another that are pretty much identical systems.
Mushrooms don't seem to fair to well in my system either. They reproduce and maintain but do not attain the large size that I see in other tanks. Everything else does just fine :notsure: There are a lot of variables and tracking it down to one particular things will be next to impossible.
You may want to try a different softie species and if it does fine just forget about shrooms.


no other corals are in the tank (mushrooms are in low flow area)...
Here is my tank:
40 gal Reef Tank - 10 gal ref/sump
- 2 Ocellaris Clownfish (1 inch)
- 1 Blue Tang (1 inch)
- 2 Green Rhodactis Mushrooms (was three)
- 1 Tube Anemone (4 inches at night)
- 1 Feather Duster (plume is 2-3 inches)
- 2 Cleaner Shrimp
- Bunch of Hermit Crabs
weekley 5 gal water changes
Iodine - dailey
2 part kent CB Calcium - Every other day
Kent Essential Elements - Couple days after water change
Strontium/molybdenum - every 3 days
Seachem Reef Builder (to raise alkalinity) - with water changes (cause of the city water)
Frozen Mysis / Marine Flakes - once, maybe twice every day
Chunk of Frozen Mysis for tube Anemone - every 3-4 days
Kent PhytoPlex - Every 3-4 days
Amon - 0
Nitrate - <5
Nitrite - 0
Phos - 0
PH - 8.3
Alk - 7-8
Calcium - 380-400


I have loads of shrooms in my tank. One thing I don't do is add a lot of chemicals to it. Why are you adding iodine and scrontium?
I use the city water and haven't added anything for years till I got this mandarin and started putting a couple of capfuls of Phytoplex every week.
I take that back I did add calcium a couple of months ago.
I would do half water change and run that carbon and let it be. See what the shrooms look like in another week.