Mushrooms loose color

uk cats

I have a 65 gal with various kinds of mushrooms and all are doing well in growth and reproducing but what I am finding is as the day goes on my mushrooms mostly the green colors turn a brownish color. When the 10,000k bulb goes out and the Actinic and Lunars are all that are on the colors come back. What I have is a Corallife Aqualight with one 96watt 10,000k and one 96watt Actinic with two 3/4watt lunar lights. Is this color change normal or is it to much light or am I doing something wrong. Appreciate any response.


What is the light intensity (what kind of lights)?? How long do they take to get their color back? How long have you had them? Mushrooms are pretty hard to screw up so I would think they would be fine.

uk cats

The Lights are Compact Fluorescents (Coralife). It seems to be maybe I would say about an 1 hour when the 10,000k comes on that this happens. As soon as that turns off the green color is back under the Actinic. Also they are about middle to lower half of my 65gal. Thanks for the reply.


It changes back AS SOON as you turn off the 10k? If thats the case your just seeing the actinic light hitting the shroom. Its not actually changing color.

uk cats

Thanks UKCATS I was just curious if something was going on that needed to be addressed. Like I said everything looks good even my Leathers and Xenias etc... just couldnt figure the color change out. GO CATS!!!!