mushrooms reproducing question



will mushroom corals bud off / reproduce on their own? or do you need a coloney of them, also i have a few types of mushrooms and none appear to have budded off yet, are they likely to? some are on their own adn others are part of a coloney, i havnt had them long but my nitrates sits at about 50 parts per million, is this too high for them to reproduce? or should it be fine? :help: :help:


Active Member
I would try to get the trates down. How old is your tank? What kind of substrate do you have?
Lighting? Water parameters?
Also mushrooms will split on their own in time or you can "help" them.
One you can hack them in pieces making sure each pieces has a part of the main stem.
OR you can direct a powerhead at them. They dont like heavy flow. They will get up and move leaving mushroom residue behind.
Little mushrooms will appear in the trail.


how much of a good idea is the power head thing, i only have 3 med shrooms and 1 small shroom and i dont want to loose them


give them time to grow and attach before blasting them with a power head ... once they are attached .. they will move (like a snail) to a new location .. if they are not fully attached they will just fly off


well if the powerhead isn't getting it to move then you might wanna do a search for fragging on this site and give it a go


i'm sorry i was asking if i could use the ph i havent tried that yet and was wondering if it would be ok. i have allways kept them in low current