mushrooms with aggressive????


Active Member
I was wondering, could i have mushrooms with an aggressive set-up
-niger trigger
-blue throat trigger
-harleqiun tusk
-and little fish here and there.


Active Member
I have not done it with triggers yet... but I would say give it a try. I have kept most aggressive fish in a softie reef aquarium to see exactly how much they will munch on corals, and suprisingly the corals do quite well. They get some bites taken out, but they always seem to grow it back quickly enough so that no damage ends up being done. I have yet to find anything that will touch a mushroom yet.
edit- Realize that the aggressive fish are not very large yet (largest is a 4" porky) and have been raised in the aquarium since they were all very tiny. True results can not be seen until they get to be more of a mature size, but I am still experimenting with it.
same thing as the cicyreafer im keeping a clam and a carpet anenome with a bamboo shark,sfe,fu manchu lionfish,2 perculas and a marron clown. and they dont seem to touch em, but i havent done it with trigeres, im telling u, triggers will eat inverts/anenomes, but all fish are diff. so go for it, tell us the results if u do.:)


Active Member
me! ur never on, milkman12
what kind of lighting do i need for shrooms? wont NO be ok?
I was thinkinhig of trying a carpet but then i would need better lighting.
Should i get 400 watt MH? would thta be ok for the whole tank for shromms and mabe a carpet?
How about U list what i could TRY with 400 Watt MH, keeping in mind the fish listed above


Active Member
I have a few that came in as hitchikers on my LR. Under simple NO lighting and they seem fine. None of the fish have bothered them.