

New Member
All of my mushrooms are on one rock they aren't moving. Can you pick one off the rock and place it one another?
Hi jcat, I have done this three times and only been successfull only once, they are delicate. The one that made it looks great now but took a week to reatach to new site. I have found that if you want them to spread I move the mushroom rock If you can , over to new site and let the fully opened shroom droop over to new spot and eventually they may or maynot migrate, I have done this only once and I dont know if it threw its spors or what but I have 5 baby shrooms growing on another rock....cya,,,fixit :cool:


When I first got my purple mushrooms they were on a small piece of LV. Once they started to overcrowd it some of the mushrooms will just fall of and attach to other rocks. I have never really had much luck trying to pull them off and reattach.


I have been successful in placing two mushrooms onto other rocks. One of the mushrooms had fallen off a piece of rock when I was transporting it home, the other was pulled off is base. The base was on glass, so I'm not sure if it will make a difference. But if you are willing to risk one I'd say try it.