

Active Member
Well, Not to stir the sh@* pot again but you can't go by that wpg rule.There are to many other factors to consider.And Mushrooms do not need alot of light.I'v seen them flourish in small eclipse systems and the lighting in them is poor.
This might stir up a whole nother debate again and if so I'm sorry.


Mushrooms do not like alot of light anything from normal flourescent to power compacts will work well. They can actually shrivel up and die if in direct light from metal halides. If using MH, put them in a lower light area of the tank.
I promise I will not start the WPG thing... atleast not for a while...


Active Member
First off: shrooms do very well in lower light
Second off: Oh come on Kelly let's start it all back up! Ha, you made a convert out of me.


Well you asked for it... I got a 7 gallon bowfront to start the new year. It sets right beside my computer on my office desk. I ordered a 32W PC and it is on it's way. That gives me 4.5+ WPG!!! The tank has water, about 12# of base rock (bought it dry) and 2" DSB. I put in 1 silverside to start the cycle.
I will be adding mushrooms from my main tank when it cycles, I will let you know how they do with 4.5+ WPG. I have wanted one of these tanks since I saw one setup as a reef tank about 6-7 months ago.
By the way Josh, I was reading an article on the web about lighting that supported your theory on watts being output, boy was I surprised. I will keep researching the subject of lighting. I really enjoyed our discussion the other day. The mushrooms in my main tank, 1.5 WPG are doing well, even the ones at the bottom of the tank.
Predator, I am sorry, but Josh started it. Anyways, I do not believe in WPG for those that did not read the other thread.


I Agree its not the wpg its spectrum and distance from the lights. I have MH on my main tank and pc on my 55 gallon tanks....try adding some blue atinics (moon bulbs) 2 hours before and after your normal lighting hours. My mushrooms in these tanks flourished (and i propagate these quite frequently) along with all my purple and pink coreline...Some thing to try or look into.
my two cents


Active Member
That's great, I don't go for the WPG either anymore.... espically with PC lights. I saw a really neat nano setup, believe 10 gal. It has a overflow with a refugium build right into the back. Pretty sweet, it came with 32 watt PC and a canaopy for 150.00 If I had more time I would invest in it. Anyways, good luck with the nano and take some pix when you get a chance!
Always up for a good spirited debate, care to debate on switching to DSB from an established CC tank.. seems to be very popular these days
:) Josh


Great topic, if you have the time, my 80 gallon tank is of all things in need of a DSB. I set it up about 10 yrs ago with an UG filter, and CC. I was wondering why I did this, then I dug out some of my old saltwater books, and that was what they were recommending. They also recommended wet/dry filters. I am so glad I did not use one.
I have had excellent luck with this setup, and 1 WPG lighting until recently. Can you believe it, I broke all the rules, and still have a nice tank. I agree with SaltH2o, the actinics will help with the mushrooms. Mine have always done well. Don't forget, a little reef solutions helps them grow (I think it is the iodine.).


Active Member
Ok I would admit it is a good idea if you have a UGF. But some folks are digging out the cc even when the tank is going well with low nitrates. It just requires a little more work. I have had me cc for just about 5 years now, and my nitrates have never gotten above 5, usually around 3. Just with 1 or 2 more water changes you can save yourself lot's of work and the critter lot's of stress. I realize there are other reasons, biodiversity in the DSB and what not.. but if it ain't broke don't fix it. agree???? It just seems like the in thing to be doing. I'll pass thanks. :) :)


Active Member
Sorry didn't mean to hijack the thread if you have any more questions feel free to ask them :)
Ok back to the substrate question. Head on over to reefcentral and check out the tank o' the month. No substrate at all!!!! I digress :)


Active Member
If I can find a way to put a pic on a post page I'll show you a tank thats been up for 4 years that has no substrate and is not only beautiful but very stable.