
tru conch

Active Member
just cut the mushrooms (as close to the stalk as possible), and rubberband the cuttings to a small piece of rock, or other methods include pantyhose or toothpicks to attach the cuttings. after a few days you can remove the rubberbands, etc.
a good idea is to add some iodine after the cuttings, it helps the 'shrooms heal faster.
good luck propogating!


I have propped my shrooms with good sucess... I cut off a shroom at the base , then cut it like a pizza... Attaching to a piece of rock has many methods... I have been just using rubber bands , after a week or two I remove them and check to see that they have attaced... I also drill holes into the rock and put the foot into it before I rubber band them...


I just successfuly fragged my shrooms...I cut the head off and then cut the head into 4 pieces. I took a small tupperware container and put some small rock in it and put the shrooms in there and placed the container in a low water movement area....after a week the shrooms stuck and now are placed in different areas...