must go 144 half circle


beautiful 144 gallon half circle, with everything except corals,tank all glass by oceanic ocean, limited edition, dark wood stain stand,, all glass doors,canopy also, sump pump, skimmer uroreef, maxi jets 6 1200, and mh lights 2 400 watts, coralviews all new, with 2 36 inch atinics by icecaps, all for 1500.00 paid 5200.00, and 210 pounds of live rock incrusted with coral line algea, mint condition,
get ready to see the one and only baddest 144 half circle you;ll ever,ever,ever see so far

with lights on

with atinics and lights on

closer view before the huge clam took some space,


sorry for the horrible pictures, you can reach me at
tank cost alone 2499.99 plus uncle sams tax, got reciept
live rocks alone 1250.00, purchased from faois, in oldsmar from owner John
this is a once of a lifetime deal


sold, thanks you, for the opertunity to sell off my stuff, i know its going to good hands, its super hard to let it all, yes all go, i did truly cryd, i love you all, god bless