Must sell everything!!!

I have to sell everything. I have a 125g saltwater setup with stand and canopy, flourescent ballasts w/50/50 bulbs, large red sea berlin protein skimmer, pumps, heaters, live rock, and two great fish, a 3" redsea purple tang and a 6+" adult emperor angel. The tank and all the equipment is in good working order and is in good shape. The live rock is decent, nothing spectacular by any means, about 100lbs worth, not much corraline algae or anything else, but it's good rock(it's std fiji lr). The fish are in great health and real troopers. The purple tang is not mean yet, but is also not shy. For being a small guy in a tank with some other bigger fish he holds his own and eats like a champ. The emperor is exactly that, the king of the tank. He would only do good in a tank with other larger or aggressive fish. He can get honrey(sp?) with the other fish. And has literally starved 2 butterflys I've HAD to death by not letting them eat. He is a beautiful fish and is just a few months away from complete adult coloration. He has all the markings of an adult, but his blue and yellow lines are not perfectly straight yet, still a little bit of curve upward to them, but his tail is all yellow, he has his little mask on his face, and the bright neon blue trim. He eats like a ton a day, and I actully have to hold back on feeding him because I don't want him to be unhealthy. Anyways, I live in Columbus, OH, and will only sell to someone who can pick up the tank or fish. I am willing to sell the fish and lr seperate from everything else, but all the tank stuff is going as one package. 600 is for all the equipment, tank, and accesories, and that might be a negotiable price. The fish are in great health and great specimens and will sell them as such. The local stores around here sell the purple tang I have for anywhere from 150-250, and the angel goes for 300 and up. I am willing to let them go for less, but no low blows. I rarely have access to a cpu, so I will leave my cell phone for interested buyers and if I am not available just leave a voice message about the fish or tank, and I will call you back. Thank you, Ryan Fick.


I am interested in the whole setup. If you could please email me and have a few pictures, i would greatly appreciated.
I live in chicago. I would be more than happy to drive and pick it all up.
Please let me know what all you have that is not mentioned above and what are you asking for as a complete set. is your only form of filtration is LR and skimmer?


Have you sold the entire set up?
I am intrested in some of the live sand in the tank.
Please let me know