mutli-tank system


Looking for ideas on setting up a system with 7 tanks, one 55 gallon and six 29 gallons. All tanks are pre-drilled with one inch holes drilled in the upper corner for overflow. I plan on doing the return over the tops of the tanks. I am looking for a good reliable and hassle free as possible system that will be under all the tanks. The tanks will be fish only and be for a store display so I am trying to keep the amount of lr in the tanks low. I am considerng bioballs/sump combo with rubbermade tubes but would like some input on the idea plus any other equipment options. Thank you in advance for your help.


I think my LFS uses a small high pressure sand filter for a similar setup. It's about the size of a 1/4 keg. Most people use them for small pools / "Swim-Spas". They also have a big skimmer attached to it. Don't know the brand name though, looks homemade / industrial. No bioballs that I have noticed.


Active Member
Bioballs would be alright for a fish only system.......You will see alot of big stores use fluidized bed filters on their fish only systems as well.


Active Member
One thing you may want/need to invest in is a MASSIVE UV system. You have about 230 gallons of total water volume, so I'd use the Lifegard QL-40 system, or even two of them.
You want the unit on your main return line once it leaves the filter to prevent parasites and bacteria from migrating from one system to another. That way if one system gets ich, for example, it won't wipe out everything.
You need a huge UV unit because your flow will be pretty fast, so you counter that (and hence keep the effectiveness of the UV system up) by using larger units. You want the flow through the units to be slow so they are sure to kill everything.