my 10 gal tank with lots of pics


This is my 10 gallon tank that I set up about 8 mo ago tell me what you think and ask any question please
set up list
All Glass 10 gal tank
AC70 & AC20 filled with LR rubble and 1 Chemi Pure bag
50 watt heater
Elite power head
Glass thermometer
current 80 watt lighting system
Fish/Coral list
I havent invested any money in coral I pick up any frag that falls off corals that are brought into my work I mostly pick up zoo's and mushrooms recently I picked up two frags of gorgonia and they are growing fast
1 Camel Shrimp
1 Purple Lobster
2 Fire Shrimp
2 Turbo's
1 serpent star fish
1 Emerald crab
1 Nasarius snail
1 queen fighting conch
3 Hermits
1 Citron goby
1 Vermiculated angel
1 Golden Headed Sleeper Goby
5 Great White sharks lol jp
ok off to the pics enjoy (btw the Vermiculated angel has been in for 6 mo and soon it will be going to my cousins 100 gal tank then i will replace with a cherub pigmy angel)



I just set up my 12gal nano cube.
I am new to salt water.
Your tank looks nice - I like mine like yours in future..


welcome to the saltwater world hope your stay is long and a great experience post up some pics of your tank lets see where you are at btw thanks for the comment


I think I'm gonna stop being a lazy but and buy some corals for it lol anyone have any sugestions? Im deffinatley gonna get some pulsing xenia (love that stuff)


here is a pic.
Before you put in corals.. i know we have to test water for nitrate, calcium, ph, ammonia.
Do we have to test these often when we have corals?
I think you also change water everyweek?


personaly for the well beeing of your tank I would deffinatley do a 10-15% water change weekly too much "new" water can be bad for your tank. When your tank is a little older you can do biweekly water changes still at 10-15% this also helps with you not having to buy a protein skimmer I use this method on my 10 gallon and as you see so far I have had nothing die and all of the tankmates are happy as can be about the testing of the water I usually do a test twice a week or whenever I see something abnormal going on in my tank, you will soon be able to distinguish between what is "normal" and not normal in your tank also Before my water changes I check water and 24 hours after the water change to make shure every thing is good


Can you tell me the reading of your testing: ammonia, ph, calcium, nitrate ..?
How often you test it?
Which one is most important we need to pay attention for corals?
What if they are too low or too high?


Originally Posted by curiousnano
Can you tell me the reading of your testing: ammonia, ph, calcium, nitrate ..?
How often you test it?
Which one is most important we need to pay attention for corals?
What if they are too low or too high?
I will run a test tomorrow for you and I'll post up my numbers then
I test about a day or 2 before a water change and 24 hours after a water change or whenever I see something abnormal with my fish or corals
I believe that every test is equally important so keep all of them as close to the target as possible
If they are to high to low depends on the specific test you are running lets say my amonia nitrite nitrate was too high I would do an Immediate water change and and clean out my carbon and sponge also I would cut back on the amount of food I am currently feeding


oh and make shure you test your salinity also. I'm shure that your LFS should check your water parameters for free so whenever you go in to get new water you should bring em a sample so you can have a second opinion. oh and another thing so that you will be on the safe side I would purchase 2 of those water containers or at least make shure you always have some spare water in case of some emergency water change


Originally Posted by curiousnano
here is a pic.
Before you put in corals.. i know we have to test water for nitrate, calcium, ph, ammonia.
Do we have to test these often when we have corals?
I think you also change water everyweek?
btw I like your tank great start on the live rock if you dont mind me asking how much did you pay for it? and what kind of rock do you have


Active Member
my first tank was a ten gallon but it wasn't big enough for me. SO i talked my apartmetn complex in letting me get a 40 gallon. i wish i could go bigger but i am in college and can't afford it. great looking tanks. how long have they been set up


Originally Posted by sdwarrior
btw I like your tank great start on the live rock if you dont mind me asking how much did you pay for it? and what kind of rock do you have

You know .. i am very new to the salt water fish . Its my first time.. I dont know what kind of rocks.. I only knew that they are cured live rocks I purchased from a local store - $6/bls for 13lbs. I think I paid a little high but for a small tank, I don't mind to spend cause not too much rocks anyway.
Is there a different kind of rocks ?? and which is nicest?
Please make sure to test your water and give me those reading numbers .. like an example for my tank.. i have no clue.
People here always said LPS .. or SPS ..what are they? Thats silly question . right ?? Sorry.


Originally Posted by rbrockm1
my first tank was a ten gallon but it wasn't big enough for me. SO i talked my apartmetn complex in letting me get a 40 gallon. i wish i could go bigger but i am in college and can't afford it. great looking tanks. how long have they been set up
You got 10gal - I read people said its hard to take care smaller tank.
My tank is only 2 weeks old. The clowns I got from the close business fish store local. I paid $8/pair. Hope they alive. I plan to change the pump to maxijet900 .. but not sure if neccessary.
My tank feature:
* Live Sand, Live Rock 13lbs, Premix salt water ($1/gal local store)
* 12Gal Aquapod
* 1-27W Dual Sunpaq Daylight 6700k/10000k (Current USA brand)
* 1-27W Dual Sunpad Actinic 420nm/460nm (Current USA brand)
* CMF Cooling fan
* Built-in Nocturnal Blue Lunar lights
* Rear Overflow Filter system
* Pump
* Ceramic Rings, Biolballs, Activated Carbon.