my 10 gallon tank!

Originally Posted by bknow
can't wait to start adding more zoo's and hopefully rics...

looks awesome. how long have you had it up and running? i've had a 10g sitting around forever doing nothing... i'm thinking about turning it into a swf tank..


i had a 20 gallon for about 5 months...decided to down grade to 10 gallons and put in a ac110 i found this nice bow front tank for cheap...and i some how fit my 24" Lunar Aqualight 2x65W (120 W) / 2 Blue-Moon (Coralife) on the tank...i just transfered everything the other day...

mpls man

Active Member
like the rock work,
i'm in the process of switching from my 12 gallon aquapod to a 10 gallon regular tank, i'll have more room for rock and corals, i'm going to have a overflow box in the tank and a 10 gallon sump under for more water, i already have a 70 watt mh ready to go.
looks nice ...keep updated with corals.


thanks far my tanks going bubble coral looks way more healthier in the 10 gallon than my 20 gallon...


omg beautiful tank and with the lights last time i checked 2 65 lamps is 130w
and whatrs the trick with the clowns mine killed the other one?


umm..people said to buy them together when their young...and make sure they're the same kind of clowns

coral keeper

Active Member
It looks very nice, do you feed your xenia plankton food or brine shrimp eggs or nothing at all? and will the xenia grow faster if you feed it brine shrimp eggs?


i honestly never feed the xenia...but i do feed my fish brine and xenia's just started growing like crazy for some reason...just give it time and they'll start growing...they'll probly grow so much that you have to trim some out like me haha