My 100 gal reef system: info, specs, photos

saltyfish dude

New Member
okay, so these are some specs and info on my reef system. I have a photo link below.It is 100 gallons, 48x24x21h, with a 20 gal refugium (lots of live sand and caulerpa)
cycling and setup began May 23, 2006

water quality as of 2/5/07:
ph - 8.3
nitrates - 0 - 5 ..................(Hells Yeah!)
phosphates - 0 .25
ammonia and nitrites - 0
alkalinity - approx. 7.5 meq/L........probably kinda low, working on it...
calcium - tbd
I change 5 gallons of water with previously mixed and aerated RO/DI saltwater on every monday, and I change 10 gallons every 4th monday.

approx 135 lbs live tonga branching and fiji rock (w/ more to come, especially on the right side)
80 lbs live sand
265 watt coralife compact flourescents
65 watt coralife compact flourescents for refugium
prizm 100 protein skimmer
200 watt visitherm heater
aquaclear 70 powerhead, 400 gph
maxijet 1200 powerhead, 270 gph
rio 20 submersible pump, 980 gph

(my camera doesn't take good movement pictures, or at least I have't figured it out yet, so I haven't got any pics of my fish yet, sorry)
chocolate shouldered surgeon (chocolate tang) - 5"
pacifac blue tang (juv) - 4 1/2"
vlamingee tang (juv)- less than 3"
foxface rabbitfish - 4 1/2"
coral beauty angel - 3 1/2"
diadema dottyback - 1 1/2"
lawnmower blenny - 3"
sixline wrasse - 2"
sally lightfoot crab - med. size
black sea cucumber - 4" to 6"
pink sea cucmber - 3" to 4"
2 peppermint shrimp - 1 1/2"
coral banded shrimp - large
skunk cleaner shrimp - large
2 bristle stars (1 white w/ 11" dia., 1 black w/ 9" dia.)
serpent star - 8" dia.
sand sifting star - 5" dia.
electric blue legged hermit
half a dozen or so assorted snails
approx. 1 dozen smaller hermits
hawaiian feather duster - one of the larger I've seen
decorator sea urchin - 3 1/2" dia.
bubble anenome - medium size
rock boring urchin - grew in tank, 1 1/2" dia.
small yellow colony polyps - 9 polyps
brown polyps - 10 to 15 scattered around, and 25 to 30 on one frag
assorted button polyps - approx 70 to 80 on one rock
pulsing xenia
my pictures here: