My 1000th post



A thousand posts is good!! AS long as your "posts per day" does not exceed 10 then it's good. If your posts per day exceed 10 then you talk to much, LOL. Yours is 2 point something...
Gongrats. You are now officially another addicted reefer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
A thousand posts is good!! AS long as your "posts per day" does not exceed 10 then it's good. If your posts per day exceed 10 then you talk to much, LOL. Yours is 2 point something...
Gongrats. You are now officially another addicted reefer.

Nice! I was wondering when it would be official. I was hoping that the 6 tanks were enough to make it official lol


Oh no sorry, I wasn't real clear... I didn't mean "addicted to the hobby" reefer... I meant "addicted to the boards" reefer!! Were ALL addicted to the "hobby", but only a select few are also addicted to the boards, LOL :yes:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Oh no sorry, I wasn't real clear... I didn't mean "addicted to the hobby" reefer... I meant "addicted to the boards" reefer!! Were ALL addicted to the "hobby", but only a select few are also addicted to the boards, LOL :yes:

Ahh now i get it....

Yes i need to goto forum addicts