So ive had a 10g i started several months ago simply because i bought 2 blue damsels for my 55g and they wouldnt leave the others alone so i yanked them and put them into their own tank, all it had was some lr and ls, nothing fancy. Well i finaly returned them and lucky me someone had just broken down their incredible show tank and everything was for sale so i grabbed 20lbs of coraline covered lr with a bunch of mushrooms growing out and 10lb of ls. Made the tank and let it settle down then added
20 nassarius snails
15 small hermits
1 emerald crab
10 margarita snails
2 clark clowns
1 neon goby
and 1 phsuedochromis becase they were letting it go for so cheap, but thats going to get moved into the 55 gal
so far everyone has been happy, pelnty of rock and sand so no ammonia, nitrites or nitrates. Next step i want to step up the lighting to add an anenome for the clowns and maybe some corals.
20 nassarius snails
15 small hermits
1 emerald crab
10 margarita snails
2 clark clowns
1 neon goby
and 1 phsuedochromis becase they were letting it go for so cheap, but thats going to get moved into the 55 gal
so far everyone has been happy, pelnty of rock and sand so no ammonia, nitrites or nitrates. Next step i want to step up the lighting to add an anenome for the clowns and maybe some corals.