My 10Gal, update


Got some new stuff over the last few months. Got a cleaner shrimp, 4 astreas, 3 turbos, 8 small blue leg hermits, one large un-identified hermit (need help with it), purple lobster, and a scooter blenny, lobster killed the orchid dottyback :( Zoo colony up and died, after I was gone for 3 days. Small green Ricordea. New rock with lots of mushrooms, tons of hitchhickers, one of which is a brittle star, some tinytinytiny zoo's and hundreds of small hard tube feather dusters. Pics follow, also its a 10 gallon tank.


Thats it for now. my LFS is moving, Waves in Lake Oswego OR, there moving around the corner, so they haven't ordered ANYTHING in weeks, they are getting very low on stock, but to all the Oregonites all their livestock is 20% off. ALL LIVE STOCK, they have tons of Maxima's lots of misc corals. lots of marcos for your fuge's I wanted the green/orange bubble coral, but he wanted 65 for it. I can get em cheaper... He also sells Frogspawn cuttings for 10-25 depending on size and color. Better than most SW shops...