My 120


Hi all!
I have a 48"x24"x24" that is my first reef tank. I have a current sundial fixture - 48"x9.5" with 4 t5s: 2 Blues, 1 Actinic, 1 superwhite (all ATI bulbs)
My LFS told me that this was fine for zoos, mushrooms, leathers, etc. I have a zoo and a couple of mushrooms that are doing great. The zoo is down at the lower level of the tank.
Looking for a recommendation for light fixture(s) that I can add that will allow any type of coral. One constraint is that I have a canopy and don't want to get rid of it.


Active Member
Will another of those fixtures fit? You could keep anything with 8x54 watt T5's on a 120 gallon I would think.


Take a gander at these..
ATI powermodule or aquactinics constelation.
You could keep anything your little heart desired anywhere in the tank.

Some would say that the ati powermodule is the best HO T5 system available and from what ive seen that would be an understatment.As for the constelation it's a little cheaper but not far behind the pm in performance...


Active Member
u r going to need 8 t5 bulbs with individual reflectors or 2 mh 250w bulbs to keep anything u want.