My 125 Gallon reef RED ALGAE


New Member
Hi, does any one have a good fix for red algae. This is not slime algae and it is fuzzy looking about half to three fourths inch long. Snails and hermit crabs don't seem to eat much.:help:

chris s

Pull as much as you can out ASAP! I had the exact same thing in my 29 gal and it TOOK over Everything. I have to do a fresh water dip with my LR to kill it before I moved it to a new tank. Then I sold my Voltain Lion that was in it and gave the tank to my sister for Freshwater. I messed with that damn tank forever. Then I gave up. Beat it while its young and get one hell of a clean up crew in there.

randy 13

I have a couple of friends with this stuff in their tanks. The thing they both have in common is that their tanks run in the low 80's temperature wise. I took some of their rock home with me, put it in a tub with a skimmer and no lights and after several weeks it was gone and has not returned after putting it in one of my tanks.
How is your temperature? This stuff is hard to kill so I would pull off as much as possible and keep your syphon hose handy to catch the stuff that floats away when you pull it.
We also put tuxedo urchins in one of the tanks and they have seemed to help some.


New Member
I am running a chiller and keep the water between 74-79 I am also running a protein skimmer. I will try pulling this off and brushing the rock that I can remove from the tank. Thanks for the advice:jumping:

big slick

When it comes to red slime and dosing your tank, I am a fan, but I know some will disagree with dosing altogether. I have had Red slime, and I dosed with RED Slime remover----yellow powder you add to your tank, then cycle out in a week with a water change. It killed all the red slime, never harmed any of my corals or fish. As a side note after you use it....feed your tank only every other day, or less, and this will control algal blooms of this sort.
Here is a pic of the stuff:


I am dealing with the same problem as we speak, so I feel your pain. I recently ordered a bunch of mexican tubos and a tuxedo urchin since I heard that those are the two species that go at it. So far the urchin is doing a really good job, but like someone else said, it will eat the coraline too. (Personally I think it's worth it).
So yeah, get some mexican turbos and an urchin and hopefully you can get it under control before it gets as bad as mine got.
Good luck!