My 125, let me know what you think


ok, so i'm getting over my red slime its almost completly gone, g2 love green calp.

This is a pic of my ble spiny thats in the tank...but he just molted so here is his exo.


Active Member
Nice rock work, and fish...looks like the making of a great reef! thanks for sharing. ***)


nice tank bigdog. i love that golden butterfly(semilarvatus) and the blond naso. I are these butterfly hardy ? I am planning on getting one .


wiht my refiguium, calp. and actually my atinic balast is going out, so only 110w may have had something to do with it, but i think mostly my calp.


well that crab is huge....he atually killed the crab that was in that shell that was double his size to take the shell and then todya he killed a stingray i bought last night....bout ready to kill him.....or atleast take him back


Just out of curiosity, did you ever have aptasia, and if so, did your Blue Face Angel kill it all? I had an infestation of aptasia, mostly because it didn't bother me much, and in one week my Blue Angel killed all of it. I'm just wondering if I have an unusual Blue Face or if they actually do kill aptasia. That is, if you had aptasia to begin with.
As for red slime, if you don't have a refugium, I recommend "Red Slime Remover". It didn't hurt any of my fish or live rock (supposedly reef safe as well) and completely cleaned out my red slime in 3 days.


ya i thought about using that but i prefer natural things, like i beat ick with rasing the tank to about 84 and using garlic every feeding, 1 drop per forzen cube, and also a couple fresh water dips. i've had no problem with aptesia, if i did my butterflies would destory it! ha


I also beat ick by raising the temp to 84* and keeping my salinity at 1.020 (where I always keep it). I had aptasia because at the time I didn't know better and thought "Cool, another life form". Plus not planning on keeping corals I figured they looked cool, but I knew eventually I had to control the population. Luckily the Blue Face did it for me.
As for Red Slime Remover, if you'll remember that other controversial thread, I don't do water changes. In fact I do and don't do a lot of things that aggravate the heck out of some people here, but hey, I can't argue with the results!


Originally Posted by mystic7
I also beat ick by raising the temp to 84* and keeping my salinity at 1.020 (where I always keep it). I had aptasia because at the time I didn't know better and thought "Cool, another life form". Plus not planning on keeping corals I figured they looked cool, but I knew eventually I had to control the population. Luckily the Blue Face did it for me.
As for Red Slime Remover, if you'll remember that other controversial thread, I don't do water changes. In fact I do and don't do a lot of things that aggravate the heck out of some people here, but hey, I can't argue with the results!

I have read alot of things that people say is a must. Like changing the water evey week, having 15x hr water movement, or bioball are nitrate farms. I have had a sw tank for a few 7 years and know that nothing is set in stone. What works for me might not work for others just because our tank is diffenent. And for red slime, I had it and all I had to do is move the direction of the water flow. For Ich I always use COPPER. That right I said COPPER.