Originally Posted by Qreef
This tank 3yrs old from first owner and I have for 3months
3 perc clows
3 Blue-eyed Anthias
1 orange and blue pipe fish
2 mandarins
1 yellow tang
1 midas blenny
1 naso tang
1 Cleaner Wrasse
1 Leopard Wrasse
1 Banded Watchman Goby
2 Cleaner shrimps
3 Peppermint shrimps
1 Fire shrimp
2 Camel back shrimp
1 Sea cucummber
all my rock are very big 20 to 40#each & about 250#
Is that a blue star leopard wrasse? I've got one of those and one of the regular ones. I also have a christmas wrasse which looks like the male, so it confuses the hell out of all of them.