my 125


Awesome tank!! I love that canopy that you have, can you access it easily? and was it purchased or made? I'd love to see some closer pics of some of your corals too. Beautiful!!


Yes, the canopy doors is open up as you can see in the pictures door are all around the tank..I made the canopy 23" tall because I might upgrade to MH in the future



This tank 3yrs old from first owner and I have for 3months
3 perc clows
3 Blue-eyed Anthias
1 orange and blue pipe fish
2 mandarins
1 yellow tang
1 midas blenny
1 naso tang
1 Cleaner Wrasse
1 Leopard Wrasse
1 Banded Watchman Goby
2 Cleaner shrimps
3 Peppermint shrimps
1 Fire shrimp
2 Camel back shrimp
1 Sea cucummber
all my rock are very big 20 to 40#each & about 250#


Qreef, What kind of anemone/starfish is that in the picture with the yellow tang? Its the brownish thing on the left side.


Active Member
breathtaking! just absolutely breathtaking!!
...I would suggest a background, but it seems that in the pictures it's between two that so?


Originally Posted by Qreef
This tank 3yrs old from first owner and I have for 3months
3 perc clows
3 Blue-eyed Anthias
1 orange and blue pipe fish
2 mandarins
1 yellow tang
1 midas blenny
1 naso tang
1 Cleaner Wrasse
1 Leopard Wrasse
1 Banded Watchman Goby
2 Cleaner shrimps
3 Peppermint shrimps
1 Fire shrimp
2 Camel back shrimp
1 Sea cucummber
all my rock are very big 20 to 40#each & about 250#
Is that a blue star leopard wrasse? I've got one of those and one of the regular ones. I also have a christmas wrasse which looks like the male, so it confuses the hell out of all of them.