My 12g Nano


Active Member
These are posted inthe nano forum, but thought I would post here as well. These are fun tanks to setup. I think I'm going to try a 12g sps just to say "I did it"...All the livestock is from my "$89 frag tank" of several months ago. I've actually been able to setup maybe half a dozen tank with the frags from that tank.
Stock list.
2 headed frogspawn
Daisey Polyps
Pink zoo's
Blue ric
4 small leathers
3 heads of pulsing Zenia
Abalone shell zoo garden that I created
Tong branch zoo garden that I created



Active Member
Wow...VERY cool. I love the look at lot!! I'm thinking about a nano too, somewhere down the line...maybe after I have my 37gal set up again, IDK.
Looks great!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
A few more, I'm starting to get really irritated with this camera, can't figure out why I can't get a super clear shot...



Active Member
You should have no problem, but depends on depth, water etc.... I've found small frags of GSP growing under ledges of lr in my tank, I even found some between a rock and the back wall of my tank, towards the bottom. weird


Active Member
3 Days :scared: ......Not to worry and don't flame me. LR was fully cured along with LS, also have several tanks that items can be moved to if levels get out of control, which I don't think they will. Yanked B-Balls and replaced with fully cured LR rubble.


I am envious. Nice ricordia. Makes me think I should start a frag tank of my own.......oh and your avatar is extremely ugly. Im just glad Im not eating. (wheres the vomit smiley?)