my 135 reef


Active Member
allright guys, here are some pics that i finally got developed of my 135 reef that is 3 hrs away from me:( these pics were taken over christmas vacation after we changed bulbs out. it is a 135g oceanic reef ready tank, with a Tank Works Refugium sump. 3X250w 10K (actually 13K cause theyre AB bulbs) mogul based MH's and two 140W VHO URi actinics. right now we have a collection of LPS and soft corals, with more acros on the way(for some reason my mom loves mushrooms adn has them over everything!) anyhow the tank has been up in some form or another for about 7 years now. It used to be a 75g reef, but has been moved into the 135 for about 2 years now. we run a Lifereef calcium reactor that we have since fixed. and everythign is doing fantastic.!


Active Member
canopy suspended by a pulley system (makes getting in and out of the tank very easy!) The stand and canopy were built by my father and i


Active Member
and thats about it for now. sorry the post is so long. i dont have a server to pull these things from and have no idea how to do somethign like that. but take a look and enjoy!
good luck


Active Member
Looking good Jon. I bet you hate it when you have to leave home to go back to school. I know I would!


Active Member
yeah its horrible. i hate leavign it, but soon ill have my 65 up and running and all will be well!
thanks for looking and feel free to attach some pics guys!


Active Member
Aye, thanks for the compliments JWT, and heers a close up of the little (yeah right hes gotta be 8 inches long now, had him since he was the size of a 50 cent piece, and hes gotta be at least 3 inches in diameter) bugger. thanks for all your comments guys!


Active Member
Looks very good Jon. It is about time you got some pics out to us in need of the candy. Very good quality on the reef and on the pics. Give us some more if you have some. :)
What type of starfish is that on the far left of the first pic? How much Live Rock is in there? Extremely nice set-up. Good work.
Nice pics and nice tank. Your refugium looks jam-packed with caulerpa. How often do you harvest? My ecosystem mudfilter has yet to be packed with caulerpa.


Very nice pics.
I am realizing the amount of work involved to get there.
I am wondering, Jon, what does the FB stand for?
Fine boy? Or is it ...


Active Member
thanks again to all on the great comments.
rye, first off thank you cause it was your fantastic lens that allowed me to get most of the macro lens! (still lookin to get a dig camera, but it might have to wait as i just bought a 65 gallon tank!) and the star is just a dumb ol sandsifter that likes to climb up on the glass
track. the fuge gets harvested monthly, we pull about half of the caulerpa out at a time and it is replaced in about a month. it is pretty packed in there. and by the end of the month it takes the shape of the fuge and when we pull the chunk out it has square corners!
Phil, the fb stands for fat b@st@rd, the scottish character from Austin Poweres. Not that i am fat, but mostly cause im scottish and caus i do a killer impression of the guy!
jugger, that i am not too sure of, the fuge itself is supposed to hold like 60 gallons, but it looks kinda small from the pic. im gonna have to get measurements on those and ill let you know!
thanks again guys, and good luck