My 1st fish!


Active Member
Yeah they can be brutal.... I like the way they look though although I kind of like Domino damsels better.


:happyfish .:Update:.
He's been exploring the tank and rockwork and i put alittle flake food in the water and he's eating!
He seems to be doing well,If it goes well with this guy I'm gonna get another fish by the end of march.
Pics of him tommorrow,When he's more comfortable in his enclosure. I'm so happy!
And feel free to post pics of your Damsels,They're attractive,despite their attitude towards others...


We bought 3 for $10. After 3 months we ended up donating them to our local fish store orphanage. They look cool, but I wouldn't plan on buying any other fish. They are real mean. Good luck.


New Member
Our green wolf eel ate both of ours about two weeks after we had him in the tank. Lol.
I feel bad for the guys, but it's nature and they were going to wind up food in somebody's tank anyway...