My 1st Fish???????


New Member
I have a FOWLER tank 120 Gal. I have a couple yellow tail damsels. Im wanting to get my first nice fish. I want a community tank (do i need to rid of the damsels?). What would be a good first addition?


Originally Posted by bigspanknasty
I have a FOWLER tank 120 Gal. I have a couple yellow tail damsels. Im wanting to get my first nice fish. I want a community tank (do i need to rid of the damsels?). What would be a good first addition?
Poor damsels get such a bum wrap...they are great little fish...good coloring very active. Keeps the other fish alert and on their toes. Think I will start a damsel foster home
. 500 gallons with nothing but unappreciated damsels.
j/k but depending on what else you plan on getting you might consider keeping them...wait to see if there is problem


Active Member
Originally Posted by usirchchris
Poor damsels get such a bum wrap...they are great little fish...good coloring very active. Keeps the other fish alert and on their toes. Think I will start a damsel foster home
. 500 gallons with nothing but unappreciated damsels.
j/k but depending on what else you plan on getting you might consider keeping them...wait to see if there is problem
waiting sometimes makes it harder or impossible if they have a lot of live rock and stuff it will be nearly imposible without taking it down cuz damsels are so fast and tiny they can hide anywhere


Good point...I rearrange my live rock constantly so this is not an issue for me. I get bored with it, and love to meddle in my tanks.


I agree with the clowns.
I'm not sure how these would fare with the damsels, but some good first fish IMO are:
-Blenny (bicolor, lawnmowers need more tank space and algae)
-Royal Gramma (can be territorial)
-Blue/Green Chromis, they school


Originally Posted by usirchchris
Good point...I rearrange my live rock constantly so this is not an issue for me. I get bored with it, and love to meddle in my tanks.
Tanks do best when the aqua-scape is undisturbed. The damsels may be alright, they are territorial though. If you plan on a peaceful tank then you may want to remove them. Get a list of fish, that you like, together. We will help you from there.