My 2.5 pico reef mini fuge


Hey guys, I am sorta new here (as a member, I look for advice here all the time) and I have to ask what you think of my Pico! I just did a DIY Fuge I am proud of, I'd buy a good one except I'm a poor teenager (16). Here I am to show you mainly the fuge part, I made it tonight, took like an hour. I used a whisper filter (for use up to 10 gallons) and used that for my intake, I used plyers and ripped off the side wall of the filter and put the intake part to the side. Some water comes out of the hole I put in it, but the fuge catches it (read on). I had a free little kritter keeper thing that I got for free as a coupon at *****. Then I put some LS, LR rubble and Chaeto from my 10 gallon and filled it up with my 2.5 tank water. I then proceeded to make a siphon with a cut up tubing used for some old freshwater tank kit and made it so the water would quietly reenter into the fuge, making it an ongoing cycle. In case of a power outage, I can just kill the siphon, even if Im asleep () It won't spill too much water because its never filled to the tip top and the siphon part in the 2.5 is close up top so it won't spill too much . Here are some pics for you guys to see, any comments are welcome!
Tank Specs:
2.5 Gallon
40 Watts, mix of PC lighting
1 lb of live rock (gonna get more maybe tomorrow)
Tulip Anemone (my friend found it in NC and is keeping it till he gets it from my house lol)
5 Vibex Snails
2 hermit crabs (one from NC and one red leg hermit)
here's some closeups of the fuge itself, I apologize the photographer is not the best


Active Member
hey, i just noticed this, and was wanting to maybe make my 2.5 into a fuge, can you get some clearer pics of this system???


Just a suggestion.....move that nice laptop away from that setup. You are going to regret that in about 1 month or so. Salt spray from the tank will eat that up.