My 2 cents worth on Ich...


I'm not a mod, or even claim to be an expert on anything, but for the past several years I've enjoyed this salt water hobby tremendously. I started with salt tanks 30 years ago (the Stone Ages in saltwater fish tanks), gave it up for many years and then got back into it about 8 years ago. I went from a 32 gallon, outgrew that quickly, to a 125 gallon, lasted about 5 years and now have a 225 gallon. I have never quarantined a new purchase, (I'm going to get beat up on this one), I've been very careful where I buy from. I make sure I ask the LFS if they run copper thru their tanks, I don't transfer any of their water into my reef tank, but if they do, that's ok with me. And the LFS that I buy from do the quarantine themselves, I only go to 2 LFS to buy livestock from.
I have Ich in my 225 gallon tank. I've probably have had it all along, but never had an issue. I bought an Achilles Tang once about 2 years ago, he contracted the Ich (duh), I was able to catch him and quarantined him in a hospital tank to treat, but I truly feel that the stress of re-catching, being isolated in a small tank with medication is what killed him, because since him I had one more tang, a chevron, that I bought come down with it in my tank, but I left him alone and he overcame it on his own.
I feed my fish a very healthy, garlic-laced frozen food, keep my water parameters at a healthy, normal range and have a couple of cleaner shrimp and neon gobies in there to help with cleaning the fish.
So rather than tear my tank apart, stress all the fish out etc, trying to catch one, I leave them alone, if they get it, they get it, but except for the Achilles, I have never lost a fish to Ich, and I've only had the two contract it.
This works for me, but I'm not saying that it is what everyone else should do.......


Active Member
Sounds like you have done well. Yes the ICH is present in your tank and will always be until YOU rid the tank. If the fish immune system is strong then it may never seem to be a problem again. The stress of a new fish going into the system is what causes them to get it. They are weak from stress. Since you are feeding garlic it does seem to help the immune system in keeping them strong.


Active Member
I am glad that all is well with your fish, and that their immune systems are strong enough to fight it off in your tank - as Barry stated above. Hopefully, you can remain so lucky.
However, to everyone possibly reading, by following a proper quarantine procedure of four weeks for all live additions to your tank, any and all worries of ich in your display tank can be completely elevated from your mind.


Ich just needs to go extinct. It's such a pain in the .. its like the only thing I hate about this hobby.


Active Member
i posted in here my tang has ick, but there is just like 3-4 spots on him and dont seem to be getting worse, i would like to try ur idea but im not sure about the garlic thing how do i do that and what should i raise the temp to? my lfs sold me pimafix to use on him in qt but im not sure my qt is ready so i would like to try ur way , how do i do it ?


As stated above, once ich is in the tank it will remain a constant threat until it is removed from the system.


Active Member
There is really no way around it. The tank has to either run fallow or treat it. Can't treat it if you have live rock and live sand and inverts. So....
Hyposalinity for the sick fish or copper in a qt or hospital tank. There's the options. Barry


Active Member
it is sooo weird bc again this morning i woke up and now i only see one dot oh one of his fins? i have had fw fish before and never has ich came and gone could this be something else or i might just be really relly nervous about the fish not dying


Staff member
There are experienced hobbyists who certain have similar experiences, however, for me, its a ticking bomb and something I wouldn't be willing to risk. However, if you are happy with it, and works, then great.
As far as QTs go, the idea is to QT the fish before it goes into your tank to ensure the fish is disease free (not just ich).


Active Member
alright this is weird he had a few ich spots yesturday then this morning they as gone expect one now there is about 15-20 is this ich does it come and go like this????? should i just leave him in main tank and just do the ick kick stuff bc my qt isnt cycled yet or should i just put him in there so he dont get others sick none of the other fish have it on them i just think it might be something else ?????? pls help


Again, once ich is in the DT it will continue to plague your fish until it is removed by either hyposalinity or leaving the system fallow for 6 weeks.