My 20 Gal Tank Yay!!


Here is my 20 gal. tank, just added light yesterday. These things look so much better with light added
. I'm thinking of getting a hammer coral, any comments would be welcome. Also aside from polyps and mushrooms would I would like recommendations on corals to put in here. I have 2x64 watt pc lighting on here and over 20lbs of live rock. Also taking suggestions on fish, am going to for sure get a rainford goby. I am also thinking of a purple firefish a two spot bimiculus blenny, and a neon goby. Any other suggestions are welcome. Also taking suggestions for inverts and the like. I love these tanks


:jumping: I went to my lfs and bought a rainford goby, several snails and 3 hermit crabs. The goby is very shy right now, I'm not quite sure where he went, but I know it is not on the floor because I looked
. Does anyone have any experience with these gobies they can share, I'd appreciate it.


Nice set-up. keep us posted, my next project is a 20 gal...


Active Member
Post some more pics of the fish now..Please at least when you find him. They like to hide until they get used to his new home..


I've been seeing him a little more of late, usually right before I go to work and the lights aren't on, but my wife says she has seen him when the lights are on. When I see him in the morning I try to feed him a little brine shrimp, but I haven't seen him eat. That worries me a little, but he is still alive for right now. I'll post some pics of him when he is less shy and comes out during the day, I don't want to scare him with the flash and give him a heart attack. But it always makes me feel better when I see him.:D


Thank you for stroking my ego
The tank is only about 3 weeks old so I haven't put much in it. I'm open to suggestions on coral and the like. I am looking at hammer coral, I think it looks way cool, but I don't know much about it. I am mostly planning on mushrooms, polyps and such. I will definitly post a pic of my goby when he is less shy. He mostly comes out when the lights are off, so I would have to use a flash and that would scare him. I'm trying to avoid giving him a heart attack.


Thats a nice set up.
Mushrooms are doing good in my 26g beginner tank so far while everything else is dying (my bubble tip anemone) :notsure: buying things b4 reading about em, thats a mistake i made


Active Member
I would skip the mushrooms and go with some ricordia which is a mushroom of some sort but the other mushrooms will become a nuiscence. Also, some zoos and yellow polyps. Some leathers would be nice.


I havn't seen my rainford for over a week, I'm thinking it is time to face reality, he probably isn't alive anymore. I think I should have waited a little longer to add him, curse my impatience. I'm trying to figure out what fish to put in here. On another post someone suggested clown fish, but in the end don't they get kinda big. Also taking suggestions on what kind of gobies to put in.


Check these guys out, just got them today. This is a Mexican Red Head Goby. I just put him in a few hours ago and he is already happy and everthing.:jumping:


Whats the white stuff around the polyps? did u use that to attach it to the live rock? what is it ? just wondering
thank you
tank looks very nice


The white stuff is an underwater epoxy/putty that is used to bond rock and other things in a fish tank. It usually comes in a stick with one part in the center and the other part on the outside. When you mix them together they harden. It is completely reef safe and eventually coraline algae or other things grow over it.