My 20 Long


Here is my 20 Long. It's about a year and a half old.
Skilter 500
Appr. 15 lbs LR
LS bed
Maroon and gold stripped clown
Bicolor blenny
6 line wrasse
2 emerald crabs
2 Pepp. shrimp
Appr. 10 snails
Appr. 10 Blue leg hermits
2 scarlet hermits
1 year, 2 month old BTA
Green Zoos
Brown button polyps
Stripped shrooms
Bubble coral (nursing back to health)
yellow goniopora (I don't recommend these, they don't do well in tanks)
Encrusting branium
Branching Hammer


Oops, forgot to mention lighting and I left our my large mushroom that is close up on the right side of the tank in the pic.
I have a CSL hood with 65w 10K and 65w actenic and 2 moon lights. I will be adding a MH to the hood in the near future. That should really make my tank nice and bright.



Originally posted by Jenfur427
Looks good, I think it would make a huge difference if you had a solid color backing on it.

That's in the planning. I've just been lazy with that detail.
]Originally posted by Nudibranch
Nice looking tank. I can't wait to see pics w/ the MH lighting should be spectacular.
Yes, it should be a huge difference. I figure, in that shallow of a tank, I'll be able to keep quite a variety of corals with the MH.


Even is you only added a 70W MH you'd be pretty limitless when it come to corals. What type of MH are you adding? 150W? 175W?...



Originally posted by Nudibranch
Even is you only added a 70W MH you'd be pretty limitless when it come to corals. What type of MH are you adding? 150W? 175W?...

I'm thinking either 70w or 150w. Probably the 150 though as long as it comes in an HQI style. And I'll probably do 12,000K. Also I'll be running 2 actenic PC's.


if you use an HQI bulb make sure you get a UV filter (ie tempered glass or glass w/ UV filter) Not having one will hurt the tank inhabitants and possibly you as well.


Yep, already planning to go to Michael's to change out the plexiglass in my hood with UV filtered glass.