My 220 tank


My 220 Gallon Tank, my husband has always wanted a saltwater tank, I have the pleasure of the up keep, boy he's great huh? LOL! I have no clue what anything is, I pretty much told the Fish Dude to give me what I needed and he set everything up. I have decided that I simply can't afford to put his kids through college as well as my own so now I am researching so that I can maintain this puppy myself. Wish me luck!


Good luck and keep on researching. Read some of the threads here in the noobie section, they will be a big help.
If you get stuck, don't be afraid to ask. Also, don't get discouraged when someone tells you you're doing everything wrong, there are a few of 'those people' here as well as some greatly informed ones who will give you good advise.
Welcome to the board!


Active Member
Very nice looking tank. We would love to see larger pics though. You can download them onto photobucket dot com and then copy and past the IMG code.
I just started my 125 in February and I couldn't have done it without the help of the people on the boards. So ask lots of questions, research and read. The Conscientious Marine Aquarist
is a great book to have.
Look forward to seeing this tank grow.


Nice size tank. You will have a lot more options down the road on what you want to get. Make sure you read,read, and read before you jump into buying things to quickly. Good luck. Soon you will be obessed.