my 24g build thread :D


New Member

so as you can see i have a fresh start towards my new tank.
problems so far is clarity.
i have done two seperate 90% water changes to try and get aoot of the floating particles that wouldent settle and is still very unclear. this is mainly due to my freind (who works at a very nice LFS) told me to put lizard sand in my tank. because i wanted really fine white sand. and so off i go. turns out this sand is to fine and so it didnt really settle. i have now gotten most of that stuff out and now have put in reagualr coraline salt water sand stuff. still very unclear but i heav read to just give it some extra time in the beginning to let the bactria set up. and so i wait. i plan on updating with and new news about my tank. hope you guys will follow me and help me along the ways :D


New Member

new update!
well i figured out the clarity issue. since then i have purchased a few small pecies of live rock (so exspensive) and some reel rocks. and a couple of pecies of dead coral i have brought back from he beaches of mexico. anyways. have around 10 hermit crabs and going to get some snails soon. have some crished coral in the back filter system and a small peice of krill (i was reading that it helps set up bacteria)) what should be my first coral (i know not right yet) i have standard aquapod lighting


Active Member
i would start with a green star polyp, kenya tree, any soft coral would be good to start
Looking awesome too, it a nanocube?


New Member
thanks! ill start hunting down good specimens at my LFS. a couple days ago i bought a huge carpet anenome. pictures will be up soon when i get out of class. its called an aquapod, 24g :D


Active Member
cool, but i think it carpet anemone will get too big too fast in there, also they need alot of light and established tanks
looking forward to some pics tho ;)


Active Member
If i were you, I would return that anemone. They get very large and will not thrive in your tank. As nano said, they need STRONG lights.
Take it slow in this hobby. If i'm mistakened here, did you just start this tank last week? That wouldn't be enough time to complete the cycle.


Active Member
I agree, your tank is too new and way to small for a carpet. They get huge, and some turn into fish eatters, especially in a small tank.
If you like the carpet look, look into mini maxis once your tank is well established, 6 mo or more.
Do rush, slow and steady wins the game. Take your time. Your tank needs a while to cycle and stablize.