my 28 bowfront..



i will take any advice...i have been messing around trying to find out how i want everything arranged.....and please don't laugh at my blue's dying on me, and i'm not sure why, but everything is doing good......please critique it's a work in progress....
28 gallon bowfront
40 pounds LR
20 or 30 pounds of LS (can't remember)
2x65 coralife lunar fixture
coralife super skimmer
1 maxijet 400
1 maxijet 600
penguin bio wheel 200
2 false percs
1 fire goby
1 royal gramma
1 blood shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
1 peppermint
1 emerald crab
1 hitchhiker serpent star
1 unknown hitchhiker crab a little smaller then my emerald....have only seen once
cleaning crew
mushrooms, zoos, finger leather, xenia, blue anthelia (about to die), alot of frogspawn and hammer.....had to buy the frogspawn and hammer....all 3 pieces were 50 bucks total....over 30 heads between them



and i will be moving those zoos farther away from the hammer once i find a good spot for them


Active Member
fyi, blood shrimp are known to pick at corals, so you may want to keep an eye on him.
are you planning on fragging any of that frogspawn?


i've heard before that blood shrimp and also peppermints will pick at polyps but i haven't had a problem with either of them.....
don't think i'm gonna frag anything right now......i like how they look right now but there alot of new heads popping up on the sides of them so maybe down the road some.....


Very nice tank! Looks great!
One tiny suggestion is a little more color, maybe a nice bright yellow leather in the upper right or left . What would be really cool would be some really nice, bright ricordeas, a few different colors.
Looks awesome though, really clean looking.


theappe-i'm just running the HOB filter and the coralife skimmer which is also hang on....tons of hardware on my little tank.....but whatever keeps it clean
emmitt-definitely appreciate the suggestions....i was just thinking the same thing....a yellow fiji leather would look great in one of the would that do under 130 watts of PC lighting? and as far as rics it's hard to find really nice colors locally, all i ever see are the standard light green ones....but i'm definitley going to get some color since i don't think i have room for much more stuff....
zanoshanox-pic 1-whole tank
pic 2-euphyllia paradivisa? (branching frogspawn) euphyllia parancora(branching hammer)
pic 3-euphyllia paradivisa? (branching frogspawn)
pic 4-sinularia brassica? (finger leather), xenia frag in the background
pic 5-assorted zoos