Thanks for all of the kind comments. My tank has been set up since October of 2005. I let it cycle for about a month and a half with only a damsel and hermit crabs. This was before I found I started out without a protien skimmer and only 32 watts of PC. I bought my Maroon clown and sebea anemone as a mated pair from my LFS. I found out to my horror that I needed lots more light. So about two months later, I lost my Seabea Anemone. But for Christmas I got a 305w MH combo with PC, so I bought a BTA. I don't have pics of the BTA yet, because he was deflated when I was taking the other pics.
Anyway, I was real nervous about getting another anemone because I did not know if my maroon clown would bond to it. It was so sad to see my clown rubbing against the dead sebea before I could remove it from my tank. Anyway, I decided to give it a try. I bought a BTA from my LFS and I acclimated it. I had the BTA in my hand to place it in the tank. I could not even get my hand to the bottom of the tank, before my clown jumped into the BTA that was in my hand. they have been bonded since. The BTA is now about 7inches wide and growing.
I have a 50 gallon long that I am setting up, so I may have to move the BTA and clown into it.