my 29 gallon reef

Hello everyone this is my girlfriend and mine 29 gallon tank. ive built this whole system for as cheap as possible. The tank and stand cost me 40 bucks. I built my canopy from furring strips that i had at my house. i bought a metal halide ballast off sleazebay for 20 dollar and coralife sent me an entire new Aqualite pro by accident so the lighting system cost me 20. over flows were out of pvc pipe i had. the sump is a 10 gallon tank i had. I bought a return pump from a lfs for 40 dollars. the live rock was dead dry rock that i seeded with some live rock from a lfs for 40 bucks again. i got an RODI for 45 dollars and i built a wet dry out of an old acrylic tank i had.
the complete set up cost me around 185 and then i had to add live stock. thats the expensive part. here are some pics of the tank right now.

last ones for now these are just some cool colors i got when messing with my lighting
the zoos are just actinic on
the clam is with the halide just warming up


Active Member
looking great!
looks like oyu have hair algae growing! might wanna take care of that quick if you can
thanks i actually just cleaned the whole tank out because it was over grown with green hair. i stopped doing water changes for a while cause going to walmart every week and buying 10 1 gallon jugs of distilled water for 84 cents was getting a little old. Just recently (sunday) my girlfriend bought me a really nice RODI system. So now i have no excuse. lol hopefully that will be the end of my green hair algae issues
some of my snails had over 5 inches of green hair growing off their shells. i found it kind of ironic and funny. i hope they like the zoos as a shell decoration better