My 29 gallon


Active Member
Ok all - You have all been so great and have answered so many questions for me so I thought I would post some pics. Some of them may not be very good. I have found out since being in this hobby that now I need a better camera.

The last picture is actually the first picture of the tank.



Hey- ofcourse you know i love the firefish, but I see the hairy mushroom too. Any luck with the clowns hosting it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rainfishy
Hey- ofcourse you know i love the firefish, but I see the hairy mushroom too. Any luck with the clowns hosting it?
Well I just got it Saturday. So not yet. That was the reason I bought it. I posted on the clown forum about it and they said I need to move it closer to where they hang out all the time. Then just wait and see. So I hope they do. That was my intention :happyfish


Active Member
Pretty nice little setup, but those bubbles are going to give you quite a bit of build up of salt creep.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ty_05_f
Pretty nice little setup, but those bubbles are going to give you quite a bit of build up of salt creep.
Are you talking about the bubbles from my skimmer?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishboy091
what LFS do you go to milomlo?
Typically I go to Village Tropical
I got most of my LR from City Pets off of Bellaire (I think that is the store over there)
Where do you go?? Nice to see another Houstonian on here :jumping:


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefiness
never mind, i see thats the old picture of the tank and the problem was taken care of
Oh that. Yeah that was my piece of crap Powersweep powerhead. It stopped working like within 2 weeks of getting it. JUNK

Now I have 2 MJ 900 power heads
MJ 1200 on my CPR BAK PAK
I use a Penguin 350 Biowheel filter
I also have 15# Base Rock
15# LR
30# sand (wasn't live)
Cleaning crew is
20 Nass snails (just added 10 more tonight)
5 turbo snails
14 hermits (one tonight that came with my snails) :joy:
All other stuff:
1 peppermint shrimp
2 clowns
2 firefish
1 tail spot blenny
1 green hairy mushroom - hopefully my clowns will host


i actually live in angleton but i went to village tropical yesterday. that is an awesome store compared to the ones in angleton and lake jackson. village tropicals has really good deals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishboy091
i actually live in angleton but i went to village tropical yesterday. that is an awesome store compared to the ones in angleton and lake jackson. village tropicals has really good deals.

Yeah they seem really knowledgable there - except for my sand star episode

Wow you drove a ways to go to VT So what did you get?


we got 50 lbs of salt, 2 powerheads, and a power strip with a timer. they told us that we could get lr for $3 a pound. how much did you get it for in bellaire? what happened with your sandstar?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishboy091
we got 50 lbs of salt, 2 powerheads, and a power strip with a timer. they told us that we could get lr for $3 a pound. how much did you get it for in bellaire? what happened with your sandstar?
Well $3 a pound is pretty good. They didn't have it for that price when I went there. They had it for $4.99 lb. I paid $4.99 lb for the rock at City Pets, but it was from an established tank and had lots of coraline algea on it. It turned out being worth it as since it was from an established tank my tank only cycled 7 days.

So I say it is worth it if you can find it from an established set up.

As far as my sand star goes I went to VT on Saturday to pick up some more snails for my sand bed. They told me about a sand sifter star that would really clean up the bed. Well before I got home 2 of his legs had fallen off and he just kinda started to look like mush. I called them about it and they did give me a credit so nothing was lost - except the star.
I did put him in my tank to see if he would survive. He is not in the same spot anymore so I don't know if he has buried himself and is still alive or if my crabs and shrimp ate him.


ive read your story on the sandstar before. they said if i got 200 lbs of lr then it would be $3. how long have you had the fish from there?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishboy091
ive read your story on the sandstar before. they said if i got 200 lbs of lr then it would be $3. how long have you had the fish from there?
None of my fish are from there. Only my Nass snails, turbo snails, hermits and my hairy mushroom. Email me and I can give you a site that I got some stuff from cheap. My email is Since you are local you will like the site I have in mind.
One of my fish - tail spot blenny, I got at ***********