My this the right way to do it.


Below is a picture of my 29 with a 20long being used as a filter on the bottom.
My LFS told me to do it this way.
I am going to connect the top to the bottom with an overflow box and then sent back to the top.


THat should b fine man, is it acryllic or glass though?
Beware HOT Overflow boxes are famous for getting clogged and flooding yer house.
What you plann to have in it?


We have a Gold-Stripe Clown in there now.
We are going to add:
Cleaner Shrimp
1 (or a pair of) fire fish
Green Brittle Star
(another unknow fish or two) Any Suggestions
Flame Angel. Once everything settles down (3 months).
130w coralife lite
Custom Glass Top
Below is the type of overflow that i am getting.
Got it really, really cheap at the LFS.


Active Member
Hey pheonix, you have the main Idea, but you could make it a dsb refugium and be alot better. I had always heard of bioballs etc., but after building a ref. everything has been better. With the 29g you could get a cpr cs90 overflow with a aqua-lifter pump, and a mag-3 or mag-5, you would also need some sand for the refugium, maybe a 2-3" dsb. I have kent biosediment sand in my refugium about 3", but Bang says southdown was the best he had experimented with. You can also get some acrylic or plexi-glass at a local class shop cut to make dividers from into the ref. and to the pump. Get some macro-algae and use those rocks that you already have in the tank below. If I was you I would also get a dsb in the main tank, with live sand.
Here is mine and heres how I would build one for a 29g, hope all this helps.


I am going to turn it into a refugium, but i don't have the money right now.
I was told that i would need another 130watt light for the refugium and i really just don't have that kind of funds right now.
And i am going to put a protien skimmer on the sump in about 3 weeks.


I really like the background of the wallpaper.
I may put a blue one on there later, but i really like just how it is right now.
Pictures really don't do it justice, but it looks really good in person.
KPK: what do you use for the rock and filtering materials?
Thanks for all of the help.


Active Member
I know what you mean by funds :rolleyes: sux huh. I got these lights at wal-mart for like 15.00 total, and a decent protein skimmer off of ---- for 46.00 used of coarse


Active Member
I dont use filter materials, just the refugium for nutrient export. Macros take out most of the bad stuff in the water. The rock acts like a biological filter in the refugium.


Hey Phoenix316. I have the same size tank
You may want to reconsider your overflow purchase. There have been quite a few post on the DIY forum wrt that configuration versus the U-tube type. After reading the horror stories about the loss of suction and consequent overflow of the display tank after a power outage, I went with the U-Tube style.
Here's a link to my overflow project on the DIY forum.
Is that a bunch of LR in your sump? I would move that into the display tank and set up the sump as KPK suggested. Then I would move all the gear from the display tank down ot the sump (heaters, etc)
Do you have a protein skimmer? If not you will need one.


A few more comments.
Are you doing a FOWLR? From what I understand, Flame (and other pygmy) angels have been known to eat corals. The 29G may also not be big enough for that fish.


I got a U overflow, picked it up from my lfs really cheap.
What is this Macros, i have never heard about these things before?
I have read that the flame angels are reef safe, they are one of the few reef safe angels.
Anyone have anymore thought on any of this stuff.


I can tell you that most people wouldnt recommend putting an angel in a 29g.
They need more swimming room.:yes:


Active Member
Alot of the references say that a 30 is big enough:
"It requires the minimum of a 30 gallon tank with lots of hiding places and live rock for grazing. The Flame Angelfish is prone to nip at stony and soft corals (sessile invertebrates) and clam mantles. If the Flame Angelfish is to be added to a peaceful community, it should be the last fish introduced. They adapt well to aquarium life, but should be kept in an established system and housed with dissimilar genera."
I wouldn't personally do it, but I know how it is to have your eyes set on something
:rolleyes: I am bad about that too, but again it might be bad for your soft corals etc. Have you looked into a pair of percula clowns, maybe some clown gobies, or a sixline wrasse, or royal gramma, they are all cool fish. If you are really into this saltwater gig you will probably want to upgrade your tank soon, so I say do what you feel is right for the fish, consider the size, etc. It would be better off in a 55g or larger probably.
Macro algaes are like caulerpas, you would want Chaetomorpha algae, it's in my refugium pic.
With your lighting you need to definetly consider some zoanthids, shrooms, maybe some leathers too.