my 29gallon



a long time ago i posted about switching from fw to sw. i did this but i had football season so i basically let the tank deteriorate to a dead bed. i have resurrected my tank :). now ill give you my situation (yippy). i have a 29 gallon i bought at petsmart :(. i have a magnum canister filter with the bio-wheel the bio-wheel doesn't seem to do much though. i have about 30lbs of live sand. the Caribbean type really fine. i have maybe 20lbs of live rock. i have an aqua c remora protein skimmer. so i have in total two powerheads a maxi-jet 900 and 1200. i have the typical 20 watt or so light. i have got my test kits and buff and refractometer and my tests show that my cycle has completed (my season was two months). i have the heater too my temp is a constant 78 F. i have a question can i have a blenny or goby with my fine sand and does the bio-wheel do anything. i hope to post pics soon!
(this whole thing has cost me a boatload i should have just bought a bicube!)


Active Member
take the bio wheel out, they're, i cant remember if its nitrite or nitrate traps, but they're bad, if you are planning on keeping any corals, you need to upgrade your lights to T5HO fixtures, i recommend the current usa fixtures


Ive been looking into that i am not sure though because i have a 30" long frame so it would cost me 130-180. and it seems like a scam and the bulbs are 20$ YIKES. i was wondering are cf worse than t5's? cause they seem like they would be better with the 50/50 bulbs.


Active Member
how tall is your tank? and not to be rude, but you do have to pay to get good quality :p and your corals will do MUCH MUCH MUCH better under T5HO lighting than they would pc lights, the pc lights just dont put out enough of the proper light to really get the most outta your corals, the T5HO's do. and even with 50/50, it still doesnt put enough, and you'll get more wattage outta the T5HO's as well, so its kinda a win win man.
and yes, cf is worse than T5HO's, by far, cf is basically your basic light.


maybe in a year ill have corals but right now i am concerned about the fine sand issue and i am looking for multiple opinions on the bio-wheel issue. thanks
edit: my tank is 18 inches high i am pretty sure 95%


Active Member
ok, since ur doing fish only, and that means no anemone's either lol, ur stock lights are fine. ur sand should be ok, some people use fine sand, some dont, its a matter of preference i believe on the sand issue. and, again, bio wheels=bad joojoo


Ok well not to seem like a complete noob i should search this but..... i have to. t5's are fluorescent, cf are fluorescent, cf give me 65 watts a piece=130 watts total at a 30" hood. t5's seem like a max of 40-70= watts combined total. ummmm i don't get it.


Active Member
t5's are high output for one, that 40-70 watts is, at high output , putting out more light, and a larger spectrum of light, than the cf's are. hopefully a lighting expert will really explain this, but, thats the best explanation i can come up with LOL


Active Member

Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Back to original question:
Difference between PC's and T-5's?

T5's are just a compact/consolidated more bang for ur buck, version of pcs.. Kind of like DE mhs bulbs are a compact version of SE bulbs..
there, that says it all LOL