My 30 Gallon Tank


Here are some pics of my 30 gallon tank. Its has only been up and running for about 2 months or so. Please let me know what you think or an suggestions are much appreciated. I know the algae is high i'm working on that. the phospate is all gone thanks to phosban but the green algae will just not leave. Thanks for looking.



I have 3 mexican turbos but they don't seem to eat much of the algae on the lr. There are also 5 other smaller snails and a nudibranch. 2 cleaner shrimp but they don't eat algaie. The third pic is of my hairy mushrooms.


Hey, looks good for two months, but the algae sucks. I don't really have any advice for you on that because I've never had that problem, but on another note I would get more LR if I were you.


Do you have a Goby? I have a diamond watchman goby. HE is great and keeps the sand nice and clean. I would also get about ten to twenty turbo snails they graze like crazy. But deffinatly get a Goby.


The algaie is getting rediculous. I heard you don't want more than 2 or 3 turbos, should i get alot more and just keep them temporarly. Get rid of them when the prob goes down. I Plan on getting more live rock aswell. The reason the algae is bad becuase when i fisrt started i had the light on almost 14 hours a day. changed it to 8 to 9 only 2 weeks ago. but it continues to get worse


Active Member
Try a lawnmower blenny, a.k.a. algae blenny. They are small enough for you tank, and feed primarily on algae.


I have a 24 gallona nano and I have about ten and have no algae at all with time they die off but that is normal for turbos. I would for sure get a goby though all you algae problems will stop cause of him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Schadiest1
Try a lawnmower blenny, a.k.a. algae blenny. They are small enough for you tank, and feed primarily on algae.
I second that!!


Active Member
KJD- I dont think its normal for them to die. Correct me someone if I'm wrong, but I've had one of my turbo's for over a year.
wareagle- Your tank looks great!! I highly suggest u to NOT add a bunch of snails (especially turbos) at one time. The reason is that u may have enough algea right now for them to eat, but if u add a ton at once they'll eat it all up and then not have anything to eat and end up starving to death. Add a couple at a time. Just my 0.02!


I decided to not go with the turbos. My i added 10 more lbs or live rock the other day and a xenia. i will post pics soon. My lfs recogmended a pencil urchin. I went with that. any advice.


you should get some more snails and some hermits in my 35 gallion i have 20-25 snails assorted and 20 hermits my sand is realy clean and i dont have any algie yet and its been up for about 2 months also. here are some pics i love pics


Active Member
Astrea and cerith snails are also good for taking care of algea. Nassarius snails are really good for moving around the sandbed and eatind detrius. I've never had a pencil urchin so I'mk not much help there.
Heres a pic of one of my turbo's.



When I first set up my 30, it had bad green algae for a while also.
I would wipe the inside of the glass, 4 hours later you couldn't see thru it again.
I had many hermits and snails and just kept wiping and eventually it stopped.
My LFS told me it just another cycle it goes thru and to wait it out. They were right!
Just my .02$.


not to jack up the thred or enything but how does that anemonie live so close to those zoos and other livestock and not sting them or sometihing??