sure heres the stocking list.........about 20 diff. mushrooms varying in color, green zoo's about 50-60 heads, green/blue 4-5 inch devils hand, 4-5 inch toadstool, and just picked up a frag from ther lfs with about 15 heads of yellow poylps. when i bought it i was just geting the yellow polps when i got it home and really looked at it it has about 5 heads of xenia that spread to it when it was at the lfs. then i looked even harder and there r 2 mushrooms on it too!! not a bad deal for 10 dollars. there are 2 green chromis's and a 6 lined wrasse, emerald crab and a bunch of variety of crabs and snails. also a cleaner shrimp and fire shrimp.........funniest thing my cleaner shrimp dances once in a while. thats about it for now tonight i think we might get some gsp or some more xenia