My 50 gallon FOWLR tank (a bit crowded) :)


Well-Known Member
A BIT????? I DONT MEAN TO BUST UR BALLS BUT DAMN MAN UVE GOT BATFISH, TANGS, RABBITFISH, A WHOLE CRAP LOAD OF DAMSELS, I ALSO SEE THE CORAL BEAUTY AS WELL! WAY OVERSTOCKED LOL NOT TO MENTION THE LOBSTER AND SCALLOP!!!!!! OMG SOMEONE CALL THE SWF POLICE! THIS IMO IS ANIMAL CRUELITY! Welcome to the site as iv already mentioned to u in ur last thread but dude c'mon u must have went fish crazy or something! I would suggest a 300 gal tank for all that at the least lol.....
You wont get much support here if all ur tanks end up this way.....


Well-Known Member
lol yep and a hippo in the 10gal.....ive said ill i need to
lol the smilys saying WWWWHHHHHHYYYYYY


New Member
all those fish have already been transferred, they just stayed in the tank for a day, so whats left in that tank is the clown tang, yellow tang, the lobster, a new lion fish and some crabs, and two i don't know what, ill take a picture when i get back home.


Well-Known Member

Rusty...These are great books and I added a page so you can see the great info they offer. It will save you a bunch of money and untold grief. I put them on the other thread you started as well. I hope you take the advice, we are only trying to help.
I hope you are not a troll just trying to upset folks.


Member and here I thought I was being a bit mean for having 5 fish in a 155 gallons =/


Ok, you transferred some fish out, but you still have MANY fish that should not be in that size tank. I'm urging you, for the sake of your fish (and your well being on this site because people are going to come down on you hard, I can see it in the making), to do a lot of research BEFORE purchasing anything else.


Can you start by telling us what type of filtration you are using?
What type of substrate?
What are you parameters?
How did you start the cycle?
How old is the tank?
What your goal is for the tank?
If you answer some of these, there are many knowledgeable people here that will help you get your tank on the right track.


And I felt bad for adding a pair of clowns after 2 and a half weeks, even though I had my ammonia spike well before that. I couldn't help but shake my head and laugh when I saw the batfish. Incredible...