My 55 gallon!!!


Cool, mine is almost 5 inches long... he is a beast!... eats everything from algae to flake food, to brine shrimp.
My silly wife even brought home a very very small hippo tang once ( i road her for it, this thing was the size of a quarter and was already sick) and the LMB thought it was flake food and tried to eat it !

Only thing about my LMB that bugs me is he likes to poop right out in the open...

he needs to keep that mess behind the rocks...
But other then that he is a spectacle to watch


Your tank looks very nice GAfish!! Excellent photos too!!
The only downside is I have to warn you about your red starry hermit. These guys are WELL known for killing small fish. I've seen them in action myself at one of the LFS's in my area. I watched one try to catch a 3" lionfish, thankfully I was able to get ahold of an employee and warn them about it. They moved the lionfish immediately so that was good. These hermits catch the fish while they are sleeping or resting and then that's it.....(sorry to be a downer but you should know...) You might
be able to avoid this by target feeding the hermit every day. I know that I had a hitchikker crab that was a known fish killer come in on some rock. I took it upon myself to feed this crab every day and it never harmed anything. I had the crab for several years before it died. But this is your choice on whether to do this or not....


Very cool pics!! I like reef tanks to look at, I would love to build one when I have mre experience with salt tanks and finish my 125 swim tank......Great Tank, looks good