My 55 Gallon..........


These are pics of my 55 Gallon soon to be reef tank.
The inhabitants are as follows...
1-Oscellaris Clownfish
1-Black Saddle Clown
1-Lawnmower Blenny
2-Scooter Dragonets: 1 male, 1 female(they eat mysis and copepods)
1-Peppermint Shrimp
1-Cleaner Shrimp
1-Coral Banded Shrimp
1-Porcelain Crab
1-Emerald Crab
1-Brittle Starfish
1-Sea Hare
1-Bubble Tip Anemone
25-Blue Legged Hermits
45 Lbs.-Live Rock
25 Lbs.-Base Rock
40 Lbs.-Live Sand
10 Lbs.-Aragonite
Cascade 700 Canister Filter
Skilter Skimmer(works okay and will do until I can get something better)
Coralife 260 Watt PCs (10,000k and actinic 03)
Coralife 58 Watt T-5s (10,000K and actinic 03)



Yeah......I have ben battling cyano for about 3 weeks.
I have made some feeding changes and do 10% weekly water changes and change my carbon bi-weekly.
All these changes in a little time will get rid of it.
I really hate that crap.

nm reef

Active Member
I agree that its lookin''ve established a solid foundation for a future reef. The cyano is a typical result of establishing a new system and should be brought under control via stable water chemistry/routine water changes/adaquate circulation...keep us posted as your system continues to evolve.


Active Member
Originally Posted by damselsrck
nice rockwork!
I think cyano is the purplish stuff on the sand. It's a kind of algea right?
it is a bacteria. one of the earliest to inhabit to earth actualy.


Member is a bacteria but is commonly called red slime algae.
It's causes are phosphates, silicates, bad or old bulbs, etc.....
In my case I believe it to be overfeeding causing a high nutrient content in my water.
It has slowed down since I quit feeding so much.
Everyone will get it to some degree or another eventually.
Just another wonderful part of nature.


The only thing that I tried was chemi-clean but it didn't work for me, though many others have had great results with this product.
I am a little wary of using other products because there is a possibility that they can harm inverts andor beneficial bacteria.
The cleaner and coral banded and peppermint all get along just fine. They all have their own little territory.
The clowns fought just a little at first, but quit after a couple of hours and they actually spent the night swimming next to eachother.
The black clown would have slept in the BTA, but the BTA ran from him as soon as he tried swim in his tentacles.
The black clown now ignores the other clown and spends all his time the BTA.
I know that I have some strange pairings, but I guess I just got lucky. You'll never know unless you try.


Originally Posted by Madman33
Does that red slime away(or what ever that product is called) Work?
I have tried this stuff, and it works but I give it one
:scared: HUGE WARNING!!! :scared:

if you have any sort of Clam, Oyster or other such Bi-Valve it has been my experiance that such animals will be KILLED by red slime away.
It happened to my once, with a Spinny Oyster
and I thought it just a coincedence. I was dumb enough
to try it again, luckily with just a Flame Scallop, and he died 2 days after as well. :mad:


I agree.
As I said, most of that stuff can harm inverts and other stuff is actually an antibiotic that will kill beneficial bacteria.
Also, I was still over feeding when I was using Chemi-clean so that might have been my problem.


I found that a Decent Skimmer is also very benaficial in getting rid of the stuff, I had 2 out breaks the past couple of years, I got a new Skimmer, got it working good, and no more problems... (Knock on wood)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Madman33
Does that red slime away(or what ever that product is called) Work?
even with those chemicals, you are not solving the problem. you need to isolate the problem(s) and eleminate them. otherwise it will jsut come back. and the cyano can survive because there are a lot of impurities in the water that isnt good for the fish, so then you will have nothing to suck them up at least a little and the problem will grow even more for your tank.


Active Member
WAIT A MINUTE. I added that stuff and my clam died a few days later. I just figured I messed up somehow. I was wondering why everything seemed fine. How long would it take for all of the chemical to be cleared from my system to try again?