My 55 Gallon


Well this is my start. Nothing special I got the ich on a 55 fresh water now I added a 55 salt. I just got a light today. I was going to go with the T5 nova extreme (and I probaly should have) but I walked into a LFS and found a coral life PC 260 watt for the RIGHT PRICE. So here are some pics. Im going to do some aquascaping tonight but this is the over all tank. Comments or questions? I havent tested the water yet but there has been 2 clowns (farm raised) in there for a few weeks. 2 pumps one 30 gal right side n 20 gal on the other. Thinking about a refugium in the near future.



Just moved some rock around does this look better? I have 2 clown fish in there right now. Was at the LFS store and saw some nice stuff.There was a cool dwarf lion.. would I e able to keep one of those in there? Just want basic fish nothing crazy .I was told I would be able to keep basic soft coral and anemones does that sound right? Going to start slow. I think I need to let the tank settle after these lights are on there. Going to watch close over the next couple of days to see how the water reacts. I know I need to wait few months for anemones and coral. Just going to keep reading till then
and admiring



Yeah, you could do a dwarf lion in that tank, but as he grows he may be a threat for the clownfish.


New Member
Nice tank give me pic when ou get fish in there. If you want I can show ou picture on my tank. You got me hooked on this.


Well got woken up on Friday morning and I didnt know what the sound was.. well my clean up crew knocked some of my rock over. It was an id10t mistake and it wont happen again. So I re did the rock tonight and will keep an eye on it this week. I made sure that I couldnt shake anything loose so ill keep my fingers crossed. I picked up a test kit tonight and will be testing tom sometime when the water calms down. I def stirred up sand and crap so I want to let all that settle before testing. Have been researching about the fish issue and what I want to have. The lion is really going to limit what I can put in the tank so I think Im going to stick with something easy for right now. Im running my lights for about 8 hrs a day, the rocks and sand turned a little yellow brown ish right now. I figure this will pass. Reconfigured the pumps for better flow going to keep and eye on that see if that helps with the alge.Did a 5 gallon water change this week with ( I dont even want to say it) tap water, Im sure this also contributed to my algae but I found out that my LFS sells water for 50 cents a gallon going to pick up some 5 gallon water jugs this week and use that from here on out. Thanks for all the help and advise from everyone on there
Nice pics well def have to stay in touch and compare notes. Good call on the rock getting knocked over


The tank looks great. It looks like you have some Aiptasia anemones. I see it in post 1 and post 9 in the close up pics. You will want to get rid of those. The tank looks great though!


leave ur aquascape like that and never change it. its perfect for corals and leavs the clowns with ample room to swim


Active Member
Is that a mandarin (hard to tell)? If so, I personally don't think it will last well in a 55 gallon that's only been running for a few months, especially if it doesn't have a fuge for pods to breed. Be sure you get plenty of live pods to dump in the tank regularly. It will get expensive, but it's likely the best bet to keep the fish alive.