My 55 Rock update.


Active Member
For all of you that have seen my tank from the beggining it has whent from white as a cloud to really colorful!!
Just a few pics "like 4" forgive the blurry-ness im not a photographer lol. :D
My first pic is upclose of a rock :shock: it is just to show you some of that pretty color that ive been working on!!

Next pic is same thing as above just diffrent rock

Forgive the blurr on this pic to its the left half of my tank "I shoulda used the tripod huh :lol: "

Right half of my tank its alittle blurry to but you get the idea of what my rock looks like anyway.

This is my fav peice of rock right here. It looks like a bee hive it is hollow all the way through with alittle hole in the front. It really neat it has lots of holes in it.

The two orange fish are sail fin mollies, And ya know Ophiura these "the orange ones" are actually reall pretty add alot of color but they are good cleaners!!! I have seen all of them eat algae off the glass turn my sand over "they suck it in and spit it back out" But not like a goby they dont move it to far." And that stuff I had recently under my rocks "kinda invisible slime looking stuff" they have about eaten all of it. There very good cleaner fish.
That was just some info on Ophuira asking awhile back about them cleaning stuff.


Active Member
Oh crap sorry there so big. I had to take the pics as a big pic to get them clear "and there not that clear but smaller=worse lol". If the mods want me I will reduce there size.


Active Member
Mollys for saltwater?? :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: Other then that, Awesome tank


Active Member
Here is a pic. f my LS bed and something brown looking growing? on the top? New tank, 1 week or so old. Any idea's.......anyone


Active Member
Thanks alot guys. And yup mollies in saltwater. They are actually salt fish me and opuira were talking I saw a show not to long ago that showed them on the reef. I dont know if they just ventured out of the lagoon or what but they were on the reef. Anyway they are really good cleaners I have heard a few ppl say fish wont eat algae of the glass well these do there like the fish=to a snail. They stir my sand they eat stuff off the glass and eat stuff "algae" of my rocks.


Active Member
Thanks I have actually done some moving around "not of the rock" just the corals. I wish I coulda got it alittle clearer.